INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING THE TOTAL MAILING LIST MANAGER FOR WINDOWS 1. Copy the file VBRUN100.DLL into your Windows directory. Ex. From the A> prompt COPY VBRUN100.DLL C:\WINDOWS 2. Copy the file TMLWIN.EXE into a directory of your choice. Ex. From the C> prompt MD \TMLM PRESS ENTER CD C\TMLM PRESS ENTER COPY A:TMLWIN.EXE PRESS ENTER 3. Go into windows. Choose File - New - Program Item - OK Enter "MAILING LIST MANAGER" for Description Enter "\TMLM\TMLWIN.EXE" for Command Line Choose OK. The latest version is supported on JACK'S BOARD, 404-798-4006. Using US Robotics Dual Standard HST and GEnie. Give them a call. E-mail should be directed to John Rigdon. You can also reach me on AOL and DELPHI at JOHNR238. This program is distributed as shareware by Eastern Digital Resources PO Box 1451, Clearwater, SC 29822-1451 (803) 593-0870.